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WMS Band Handbook


Please download your own copy of the Band Handbook here.  After you have read through the entire document, please sign and date the hand book agreement that will be distributed during class, and return by the designated due date.

WMS Band Handbook Agreement Form


These will be presented during class.  Know them, memorize them, live them.  If you would like your own copy, download here.

Instrument Contract


Every student, including beginning band students, must sign and have their parents sign an instrument usage contract.  These will be distributed during the first couple of weeks of school, and will be due ASAP.  If you lose yours, you may download a generic copy here, which you will then be responsible for filling out on your own.

 Information  & Forms 

WMS Intermediate Band Syllabus


A copy of your syllabus will be given to you during the first week of school.  Please read through it with your parents.  Then, have the contract signed and returned by the designated due date.

WMS Beginning Band Syllabus


A copy of your syllabus will be given to you during the first week of school.  Please read through it with your parents.  Then, have the contract signed and returned by the designated due date.

WMS Advanced Band Syllabus


A copy of your syllabus will be given to you during the first week of school.  Please read through it with your parents.  Then, have the contract signed and returned by the designated due date.

Not Yet
not yet
Whole Band Uniform Shirt


All band students will be required to purchase a Band T-shirt as part of their uniform. These Band T-shirts will be used by the Beginning Band as their regular uniform. Advanced and Intermediate Bands will use this for casual concerts and special occasions. All students are also required to wear long black slacks that touch the top of their shoes. Black covered shoes without any designs or other colors are also required.

Advance/Intermediate Band Uniform


Advanced and Intermediate band students will be required to puchase the Band Uniform shirt and a Band T-Shirt as part of their official uniform. These collared shirts will be used as their regular uniform at most performances, while the t-shirt at more informal events. All students are also required to wear long black slacks that touch the top of their shoes and black shin hight socks. Black covered shoes without any designs or other colors.  Click on the link below for the order form and for more info.

WMS Advanced Band Trip


The Advanced Band will be traveling to Maui as part of the annual goodwill program. All Advanced Band students are encouraged to participate in the fundraising efforts throughout the year to assist in subsidizing the cost of the trip. Please visit the Trip page for more information.

Click below to download information/forms:

Click on the button below to see examples of what is acceptable for pants, shoes and socks.


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